Leak Detection Services

SC Leak Detectors

Plumbing Leak, Irrigation Leak, and Swimming Pool Leak Detection Services in South Carolina


Swimming pool, irrigation, and plumbing leaks that are hidden beneath concrete, asphalt, or dirt can cause significant and costly damage if not addressed promptly. Even a seemingly small leak has the potential to result in extensive erosion and major structural issues over time, that’s why it’s important to reach out to SC Leak Detectors at the first sign of any trouble. We are based in Pawleys Island and serve the entire state of South Carolina, expertly detecting leaks in residential, commercial, or municipal properties. Our certified and insured team utilizes advanced equipment and non-invasive methods to quickly find your leak, which helps to significantly reduce both repair costs and the disruption to your daily life. Additionally, we offer comprehensive swimming pool inspections for homeowners and during real estate transactions, ensuring everything is in tip-top shape. Call us today to schedule your leak detection service or swimming pool inspection, and let us help you regain your peace of mind!



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“Leaks can’t hide from us!”


“Leaks can’t hide from us!” 〰️